TV Mounting & Installation
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At Innovative Sound Solutions, we haven’t encountered a TV too big or too small for us to install, mount, or hide in any home as long as we’ve been in business. Trust us, we’ve seen some pretty big TVs throughout the years. No surface is off limits either, be it rock, drywall, concrete, wood, or any other surface your home or recreational building is built with. We can help create just the right viewing and listening experience you’re looking for.

Articulating Mounts
Tilt/Swivel Mount
Dropdown Lifts
Flat Mount
Swinging Mounts
Under-Cabinet Mounts
Tilt Mount
Ceiling Mounts
Interested TV Mounting & Installation?
Grand Rapids TV Mounting & Installation
We are also capable of mounting and installing TVs high up on a wall or dropping down from the ceiling as well. We’ve done installations up to 15 feet up and we’re capable of going even higher!
We encourage you to explore the services we offer and let us know if we can help you with your next TV installation.
Request a Consultation
As always, at C.A.V.E. Men, we offer a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your project. If you wish to schedule a consultation, please contact us at 616.866.9606 or feel free to fill out our request a consultation form.